João Pedro Quintais

Researcher | Fellows 23/24


João Pedro Quintais is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam. At IViR, he is also Director of the Glushko & Samuelson Information Policy Lab, Director of the IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law and Policy, and on the managing team of the Digital Services Act Observatory. Additionally, he’s a member of the European Copyright Society, of the ALGOSOC Project (on Public Values in the Algorithmic Society), and Managing Editor of the Kluwer Copyright Blog. His research and teaching focus on information law matters, including intellectual property, intermediary liability, content moderation, and the regulation of new technologies. Among others, he is currently carrying out research funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) under a Veni grant on the topic of “Responsible Algorithms: How to Safeguard Freedom of Expression Online."