Vincenzo Iaia is a scholar and lawyer focused on the legal issues arising in the art, entertainment, and fashion markets, especially upon Intellectual Property Law, Corporate Law, Antitrust Law, and Internet Law. He conducted research for several universities and research centers, like Columbia Law School (New York), I-Com (Istituto per la Competitività, Rome); CEIPI (Centre d'études internationales de la propriété intellectuelle, Strasbourg); and BILL (Blockchain, artificial intelligence and digital Innovation Law Lab, Rome). He holds a European Ph.D. in Law and Business at Luiss University (Rome) where he defended a thesis on the interpretation of the originality requirement under copyright law and its applicability to AI-produced works and big data. After a postdoc at the University of Bari he now works as a postdoctoral research fellow at Catolica Global School of Law within the Horizon Europe project “Fair MusE”. He is also Of Counsel at Akran Intellectual Property.
Vincenzo Iaia
Researcher | Fellow 2022-23