Transnational Sports Law

4 ECTS / 24h / English

This seminar aims to provide an overview of the need and law of transnational governance with regard to transnational systems of private transnational regulation. We will start by discussing the broader issue of the need for transnational governance as well the normative questions this raises, particularly on the relation between national and transnational law. We will then focus on the specific case of the regulation of sports by private transnational sports organisations, discussing the arguments for and against private transnational regulation and governance in this area.


Dean and VdA Chair in Digital Governance holder at Católica Global School of Law. Miguel Poiares Maduro is Doctor of Laws by the European University Institute…
Petros C. Mavroidis is Edwin B. Parker Professor of Foreign and Comparative Law at Columbia Law School. He teaches the law of the World Trade Organization…