Call for papers | Climate Litigation Before Domestic and International Courts

Monday, April 3, 2023 - 10:12

Faced with the lack of States’ stringent mitigation and adaptation policies, civil society has turned to domestic and international courts, tribunals, and non-judicial bodies. The goal of such actions is to promote the ‘climate rule of law’ by asking courts, tribunals, and nonjudicial bodies to contribute to the development and the clarification of States’ obligations under current domestic and international law.

In this light, the next issue of Católica Law Review is thematic and dedicated to the topic "Climate Litigation Before Domestic and International Courts".

The editors of the issue welcome the submission of articles written by scholars and practitioners, including law professors, lecturers, doctoral candidates, graduate students, or lawyers. Accepted manuscripts will be published in the January issue.

Deadline for submission - September 30 

​Authors can use the following emails to submit their papers to the reviewing process: ​or

[Paper acceptance / rejection notification: 40 days.]

Further information: Call for papers