Paula Bordalo Faustino



Paula Bordalo Faustino is Of Counsel in the Public Law department at SÉRVULO & Associados (Lisbon, Portugal). She holds a PhD in Law from the University of Nottingham (UK) and a Degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (Portugal). Paula is a member of the Public Procurement Research Group at the School of Law of the University of Nottingham (UK), where she has been teaching public procurement law and policy at post-graduate level since 2010. She is also a guest lecturer at the Católica Global School of Law (Lisbon, Portugal) and at the NOVA School of Law (Lisbon, Portugal). Paula is a frequent speaker on public procurement topics at conferences and seminars carried out by law schools around Europe. She is also a member of the Procurement Lawyers’ Association (UK).