Trademark Law

2 ECTS / 12h / English

This course allows participants to gain an understanding of the main legislation, principles, rules, and case law that govern the following aspects of trade mark law: (1) requirements for trade mark registration (registrable subject matter, absolute and relative grounds for refusal/invalidity, the registration procedure); (2) the rights granted by a trade mark; trade mark infringement and defences; and (3) online trade mark enforcement (actions against direct infringers; involvement of online intermediaries; indirect and direct liability of online intermediaries; EU policy and legislative initiatives).
By providing several examples throughout all sessions and allowing participants to constantly test and apply their knowledge to real life examples, this course seeks to provide a practical understanding of trade mark law and practice in Europe.


An Italian-qualified lawyer (avvocato), Eleonora Rosati is Full Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Director of the Institute for Intellectual Property…