Regulation of Digital Technologies

2 ECTS / 12h / English

Regulating technologies always raise the question about the relationship between law and innovation and how their mutual relationship should be ordered. On the one hand, regulation can be an engine to ensure the development of new services and provide clear rules for public and private actors. On the other hand, technology influences how regulation, and broadly legal systems, deal with new technological challenges. Within this framework, it is critical to understand the opportunities and the challenges of regulating digital technologies. The digital environment represents an incredible example of how law-makers, courts and other institutional actors have addressed this dilemma, thus leading to different models to address this regulatory question. This course aims to provide skills and tools to address the regulation of digital technologies, particularly looking at the constitutional challenges of the digital age. The course addresses the transformation of digital policies and the transnational challenges of regulating private powers, particularly looking at the different models to regulate digital technologies.


Giovanni De Gregorio is the PLMJ Chair in Law and Technology at Católica Global School of Law and Católica Lisbon School of Law. He…