Ph.D. Public Defence - Tito Rendas

Friday, September 25, 2020 - 14:20
Tito Rendas

The public defence of the Ph.D.' thesis submitted by TITO FILIPE BUGIA RENDAS, with the Title “Exceptions in EU Copyright Law: in search of a balance between flexibility and legal certainty" will take place on September 25th, 2020  at 3:00 PM (GMT + 1).

The Juri will be composed by:

- Doctor Henrique Mário Nunes Sousa Antunes, professor at the Law School of  Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Supervisor

- Doctor António Carneiro da Frada de Sousa, professor at the Law School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa; 

-Doctor Ana Maria Pinheiro Cruz Taveira da Fonseca, professor at the Law School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa;

- Doctor Maria Rita Camarate de Campos Lynce, professor at the Law School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa; 

- Doctor António Ulisses Cortês, professor professor at the Law School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa; 


- Doctor Dário Manuel Lentz de Moura Vicente, professor at the Law School of Universidade de Lisboa

- Doctor Christophe Geiger, professor at the Law School od Strasbourg University